Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Beginning was Quiet

I set out a few months ago to develop my daughter's new tribe. I was in effect, daughter-stealing. Rainbow Bunny had been enjoying herself in her dad's father-daughter tribe, but after much discussion, my husband and I decided that a good switcheroo was in order. Especially since my now nine year old son has spent the last four years growing more exasperated with my motherly ways. I needed someone on whom I could work off my parent-guilt, and I glommed onto my daughter. Daughter stealing sounds a little ancient, almost tribal, and therefore... perfectly acceptable.

Recruitment for our program was turning up very few fish. I could easily join another mother-daughter tribe within our program, but after experiencing tribe blending twice now, I can say that nothing beats the magic of building a tribe together. Besides, my daughter is a bit youngish, and, as parents know, not every child wants to be the "baby" in a group.

My hope was fading, until I slipped an article about the group into my daughter' school newsletter. Desperation actually had me interview myself and publish the tiny article.

Near the end of the school year, the phone rang. I never pick up the phone. The phone has become a deadly weapon in the hands of telemarketers and the answering machine my one shield of defense. I got the sweetest message. I learned about a new mom and her interest in the program. You could have been waving raw meat in front of a tiger's cage, I was so pent up with emotion and energy. Perhaps raw meat is not a way to describe a future friend.

After a short introduction at a recruitment session, even more delighted was I when she mentioned a friend. Three! A total of three so far in the tribe! Ideally, six or seven is great, but I could work with three, as for a time in the program, I was a "tribe" of two with my friend Lisa. I also knew of another person who might join, so happily, I look forward to becoming a tribe of four.

The school year wound down to a heart-stopping close and I dialed her number as promised. She replied via voicemail she could meet Thursday. Oh wahoo!

I hope I won't scare her off. This, uncomfortably, was becoming similar to prospecting for dates. Do I push forward? Hold back? Ask about her family? No! Too personal! Too pushy! Smile a lot? A little? I sigh. Just relax. This program will sell itself, because there is nothing like it. Nothing at all.

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